Pixels & code #28 – Web Design weekly links not to miss

Pixels & code #28 – Web Design weekly links not to miss

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, HTML and CSS, webdesign tools  and ressources and inspiration on twitter and other social networks. I decided to put them all together in one place at the end of the week, in case you missed some. They are classified in different categories with some tags so that you can quickly select what you are interested in. Happy reading.

Articles to read

Think invisible: a fun game of optical illusions based on Gestalt theories that make you think about the invisible

Think invisible

L’intéressante évolution du design de Facebook en 10 ans, avec au passage de plus en plus de publicités 🙂

#Usability ecommerce

Homepage Usability: Can Users Infer the Breadth of Your Product Catalog? how to optimise the homepage so that the user will get a first glance at what kind of products you offer

A nice presentation on Android Design

android design

7 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid When Designing for Print



Babadum.com a cool game to learn words in other languages with a nice design


Head Shot, a serie of Photos against the backdrop of advertising panels

Zimandzou.fr  a coloful portfolio with paper sculptures  <3

# Design
THE GAP by Ira Glass, A Reminder for Designers Who Think They Suck

the gap

Helvetica Or Garamond: Typography-Inspired Eyewear, I like the idea 🙂

Philographics: big ideas in simple shapes #inspiration
This portfolio tagline is “I’m Selling Colors“. And sure he is 🙂

Philographic complexe concepts explained with simple words


Energy powered by fruits and vegetables <3


Courses.tutsplus.com/free all the free video tutorials you’ll find on Tuts+

Using Illustrator Scatter Texture Brushes


Useful ressources

#Responsive Layout
Liquidapsive.com if the difference between fixe, fluid, adaptive and responsive layout is still not clear for you



Blenda Script, a Lobster inspired free font with Stylistic Alternatives


Fun and impressive demos

Cssaz.tumblr.com each day an HTML/CSS animated illustration for each alphabet letter during 26 days

You should not miss

Friday Procrastination: Spartans VS Hipsters (and you can play with friends !)

Spartans VS Hipsters